If you have been injured at work or suffered an illness or injury as a result of your work, then you may have a claim under the Return to Work SA or Comcare Schemes. You should contact us immediately to ensure rights are protected and that you receive your full entitlements, including effective medical rehabilitation treatments and maximum compensation. Your first consultation with one of our expert injury solicitors is provided totally free and under no obligation to you plus we also offer No Win- No Fee arrangements. Click here for more information.
If you have been injured in or suffered an illness as a result of a motor vehicle accident – a car, motor bike, bus or truck – then you may have a claim under Compulsory Third Party (CTP) Insurance SA Scheme which is administered by the Motor Accident Commission (MAC) SA. You should contact us immediately to ensure rights are protected and that you receive your full entitlements, including effective medical rehabilitation treatments and maximum compensation. Your first consultation with one of our expert injury solicitors is provided totally free and under no obligation to you plus we also offer No Win- No Fee arrangements. Click here for more information.
If you have undergone a medical procedure and have been left with a result which was completely unexpected then you should contact us immediately. We will ensure rights are protected and that you receive effective medical rehabilitation treatments and maximum compensation for any damages you have suffered. Your first consultation with one of our expert medical negligence solicitors is provided totally free and under no obligation to you plus we also offer No Win- No Fee arrangements. Click here for more information.